I've thought about creating a blog for a while now, but I thought "when would I have the time?" It seems my life is about time. It seems life is hustling around me, hundreds of miles an hour. It seems my children should still be toddling around my feet, dressed in Alice in Wonderland dress up clothes and keeping close tabs on their Binky's and Miss Kitty beanie baby. When I was younger, I thought time wouldn't pass quickly enough. My parents spoke of time flying by and I would think "how can they say that? Time drags by!" It wasn't until I had children that I understood exactly what they meant.
I know that time will soon fly by for my customers. Nine months of anticipation, sometimes apprehension, will give way to time quickly evaporating. A customer was in the store today and mentioned that a child of a registry mom was now 5 years old. How is that possible? It seems like just a few months ago his mom was here registering for him!
If I could give advice to our new moms (advice that I don't always follow!) it would be to take time to enjoy your children while they are young. When you're sitting up late because he or she won't sleep, stop for a moment and remember what is feels like to hold your small baby in your arms. You'll never have that exact moment again.
Thank you for sharing this time in your lives with us and we consider ourselves truly blessed to be a part of your lives.